Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines the practices followed by Nizona Marine Products Pvt. Ltd. (the supplier of Nizen products) to adhere to Data Protection and Privacy obligations under the applicable laws and regulations. This Privacy Policy applies to your Personal Data which is processed by us, whether in physical or electronic mode.

Nizona Marine Products Pvt. Ltd hereafter referred to as “NMPPL” is a company incorporated and registered under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and having its registered office at 923, Ijmima complex, Malad (W), Mumbai: 400064,Maharashtra, India. NMPPL is engaged in the business of facilitating selling, marketing and retailing Nizen products (“Business”) through its own e-commerce website and other ecommerce platforms.

NMPPL committed to protecting your privacy and the personal data collected to all their selling channels.

Demographic & Identity data

  • Contact details such as Name, email address, contact number, shipping address, country, date of birth, profile picture
  • Open data and public records such as information about YOU that is openly available on the internet
  • Details such as Transaction amount, Bank Name, Card Type, Card number.

Online Identifiers and other Technical Data

  • Location details such as data we get about your location, IP address, logs, or from where you connect a computer to the internet
  • Technical details such as device information, location and network carrier when you use our mobile applications
  • Communications details such as the Metadata and other Personal Data we get from communications done through e-mails, SMS, instant messages and calls
  • Usage data details such as data about how you use our website or web-based properties, pages viewed, etc.


By using the Website and/ or by providing your information, you consent to the collection and use of the information you disclose on the Website in accordance with this Privacy Policy, including but not limited to your consent for sharing your information as per this privacy policy.